Oh man... The beloved Flodeboller oh wow.
This was possibly the BEST lunch I have had since I arrived in Denmark. Because I am Gluten Free, I tend to find it hard to find a filling meal from the salad bar alone, but this one was SO good! Beans for protein and then plenty of fruit and veges. SO GOOD!
This is the 'cheap' ice cream you can buy from Bilka. I think it worked out to be about $3.50AUD for a litre. Worth EVERY cent! This was Nougat flavoured, and seriously, it was good stuff. So good! It was freezing outside, but it is was worth putting my body on the line for a bit of something sweet! I was having a bit of a miserable day, and so I bought this and shared it with some of the other Volunteers. It's amazing how a little bit of sugar can change the outlook of your day if you are tired!
This one was especially good. These are some sort of Marzipan Dessert. Marzipan is big here and is nothing like the marzipan I have had before. This had a really nice smooth and nutty taste, and was kind of crunchy on the outside and moist in the middle. Mmm Mmm, so good! Best part is, my Boss bought them for me :') He has a son who is GF and understands my predicament. He is the BEST boss in the world.
THIS IS DELICIOUS! This is a traditional Danish christmas food. Risengrod is rice cooked in milk, and then you put cinnamon sugar and butter on top. It doesn't sound very complicated, because it isn't, but it is possibly the greatest thing I have experienced since I arrived. It is so perfectly warm and filling, and sweet enought to be sweet, but not too sweet! PERFECTION!
This one is particuarly sweet. One of the kitchen ladies delivered this to me on lunch time after I thanked her for baking some Gluten Free bread for me. I was so touched I literally could have cried. GF Brownie and Blueberry muffin with some delicious fruit. SO GOOD. But it definitely tasted all the better because of the story behind it :')
Ok, So this is one of the richest, darkest, and simplest cookies I have ever had. Made with cocoa powser, sugar, butter and vanilla, it is completely gluten free, but after ONE full cookie, you won't be able to have another for at least an hour! THEY ARE RICHER THAN BILL GATES! So good or a desperate chocolate fix though! I added Toblerone chunks to make it a little chunkier, but the cookie itself was so over powering that I could barely taste the Toblerone. Sad days.
This was so good! Sweet tangy goodness! We went to our Danish teachers house for dinner on a Friday night a few weekends ago. Jill is a lovelly American lady who married a Dane and teachers English and Bible at the school. We made subs for dinner and the others had Apple Pie and Lemon Creme Pie for dessert. Jill was so sweet though! And prepared two single serve GF Lemon Creme Pies for me! And I can tell you one thing. They were dangerously good. Oh man.
This is an interesting one! Danish people heat buns up and put butter and chocolate on it. It is a legit thing. And it is good! This is obviously gluten free bread, so it is a little less exciting than what the others are eating, but it is still really good! Some are more adventurous and put chocolate, butter and CHEESE on their buns. I have tried it, and it is better than it sounds! It is worth a shot!
These are some incredible brownies that one of the volunteers made for me! They were baking brownies for everyone else, and they felt like it was unfair for me to go without, so they made special Gluten Free ones for me!!!! And they are so good! I am sitting here writing this and my mouth is watering. They had a perfect ratio of soft, squishy, gooey and crunchy. PERFECT! Thanks Amec!
Now this, this is the infamous Rødgrød Med Fløde. Rødgrød Med Fløde is a tongue twister in Danish. A legit Tongue twister! It is incredibly difficult to say correctly, and the students love watching us try! And fail! It is pretty much strawberries (well this one was with strawberries) and whipped cream with vanilla. And Chocolate chips on top! It is pretty nice!!!
My own bowl of Rødgrød Med Fløde. The red was pretty tangy, but the cream was incredible!!! I am so proud to say that I have experienced Rødgrød Med Fløde! A truly Danish Dessert!
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