
Saturday, 23 November 2013


I can't believe it has been over a month since my last blog post! I promised myself I would only post about things that are DIRECTLY linked to my year in Denmark, and since NOTHING HAS HAPPENED since my last post, I haven't been writing! But finally! I can share some very relieving news!!!

I have just heard from the school that my work permit has come through!!!! I will be legal when I arrive! Hallelujah!

The visa has been stressing me to no ends. If I didn't have a visa (work permit) by the time I was ready to fly out, Emirates wouldn't let me board the plane! So you can see how much I have been anticipating getting the news!!!!

Getting the email this afternoon has definitely taken a lot of weight off my shoulders! What a Sabbath blessing right!!!

Talking about stress, I have learnt a very painful lesson recently.

Taking a leap of faith can be VERY STRESSFUL.

My list of 'To Do's' I have is incredible. There are literally about 50 things I have to do, and I am starting to realise that I just don't have the time. I am currently working on finishing a subject for college (I started it on the 18th) that HAS to be finished by 13th Dec. This subject happens to be the one that most first year Theo students fail. Lucky me.

Also, Dad has commissioned us kids to help out by making bookmark bible study sets for the World Changes Bible Project. I love the opportunity to be able to help, but it does mean that I have around 3333 bible study sets to make. I can make 175 in 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Then there are smaller things like getting my things in order before I leave the house and packing. So you could say I am feeling a tad stressed right now, but thankfully, no melt downs yet! I am praying God will sustain me!!! (And my bags will magically get packed and my subject will finish itself!)

But amongst all of this! I have the go ahead on my Visa, and I am VERY THANKFUL about that!

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