So I used that story to illustrate that when we search for God wholeheartedly we will find him, and when we do, the reward is so much better than Mc Donalds! It was fun to talk to the kids, and I hope they enjoyed my silly re-acting running towards the Arc de Triumph in slow-mo towards my brothers.
On Friday night the Student Missionaries were asked to run the entire program, so that was fun! We all took a role and the night came off really well! Ronelle, Cushla, Melissa, Kylie, Amec and Andrew led out in worship, with the help of a couple of students. Travis did the opening prayer. Thomas was sick, and away for most of the weekend, so he wasn't part of that program. And then I was given the opportunity to speak again. It was a really great opportunity to tell the kids about the past two years and give them a few laughs about me using a walker and being in a wheel chair.
I spoke about how I don't want to live an ordinary life anymore, because getting sick changed the way I view life and my dreams for the future. I spoke about how Ecclesiastes talks about whatever it is you are doing, you should do it to the best of your abilities. I also spoke about how we shouldn't be worried about being young, how nothing is impossible with God, and that He knows the plans He has for us. I finished off by praying for the dreams and hopes of the kids in the room. It was really interesting seeing everyone's reactions to my stories from when I was sick. Hopefully what I said has left some of the kids more hopeful and keen to dream!
Yep, that's me. Just chilling.
I'm a little bit unsure what I was talking about for this one. Oh well.
I was talking about how I used to trip over all the time. And then I tripped over the music stand I am holding. Embarrassing times. But it got a few laughs, so it's all good.
Preaching again.
And again.
What's in your hands? What are you working on that you can do to the best of your ability?
Go. DO it.
Wish I'd heard this, even though I know the stories. :)